Modul Recrutare pentru orice companie

Daca vreodata te ai intrebat de ce iti pleaca angajatii, de ce nu poti gasi personal calificat sau cum ai putea recruta intr-o maniera eficienta atunci acest modul este pentru tine.

Modulul de recrutare monefy este un proces de la A la Z pentru compania ta ca inca de la stadiul de interviu sa stii sigur ca o sa ai un angajat potrivit si performant.

Lucram in mod direct cu tine pe tot parcursul implementarii.

Costurile inlocuirii unui angajat pot ajunge la 10-18 salarii

Si sa dureze 1-2 ani pentru noul angajat sa ajunga la performantele optime.

Modulul de Recrutare Monefy te ajuta sa iti cresti rata de retentie si sa reduci fluctuatia personalului

Ce contine


Metoda Interviu

Aceasta te invata cum sa recrutezi angajati valorosi in cadrul companiei tale. Contine tot ce trebuie sa stii ca sa desfasori un interviu la cel mai inalt nivel.

Schema pentru urmarirea procedurii de angajare

O schema implementata in compania ta ca sa faciliteze comunicarea interdepartamentala. Evita problemele de comunicare si afla oricand in ce stagiu este procesul de angajare.

Our clients

Value creation is our shield against failure Cere oferta acum si bucura-te de

We have been supporting business success for years. In the monefy book that means building relationships that can be counted on for value creation, expert thinking and fast response.

On a foundation of mutual trust and respect, we provide goal-oriented solutions designed specifically for all types of business. Because we know that in business, the win-win is the best possible score.

“The fact that monefy has become not just our partner, but our strategic partner is the natural development of our successful business collaboration spanning more than 5 years. Thank you all for your efforts! Keep it up and above!”

“To the core, if one thing is clear from associating with monefy, it’s that everyone gains. The only losers are our business’ competitors.”

“I love working with you guys! It’s fun and fast and with great results! While I particularly appreciate the extra mile you go, simply cannot overlook the pile of money you helped me save. Kudos, monefy!”

“The bottom line for us is structure. monefy operates in a very structured manner while also making our business more structured. After one year of working together, we have transformed the admin side of our business. It’s so easy to keep on top of our production! I love that monefy is geared towards growth and I would urge business owners to give it a try!”

“monefy understands the challenges of entrepreneurship, but that’s not what stands them apart. They are so focused on results and know how to keep customers happy. That is why we chose them and we continue to choose them every day.”